Criterion 1 - Curricular Aspects
1.1.1. Academic Calendar 2023-24

1.4.1. Sample Feedback Template

1.4.1. Stakeholder's Feedback response

1.4.2. Stakeholder's Feedback Analysis

1.4.2. Action Taken Report

Criterion 2 - Teaching, Learning, And Evaluation
2.1.1 - Enrollment Number

2.1.2 - Number of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc. as per applicable reservation policy during the year

2.2.1 - The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organizes special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners

2.3.1 - Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences

2.3.2 - Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process

2.5.1 - Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode

2.5.2 - Mechanism to deal with internal examination related grievances is transparent, time- bound and efficient

2.6.1 - Programme and course outcomes for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and communicated to teachers and students

2.6.2 - Attainment of Programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution

2.6.3 - Pass percentage of Students during the year

2.7.1 - Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance

Criterion 3 – Research, Innovation and Extension
3.2.1. Innovation Ecosystem 2023-24

3.2.2 Events 2023-24

3.4.3 Extension Activities 2023-24

3.5.1 Industrial Collaboration 2023-24

Criterion 4 – Infrastructure and Learning Resources
4.1.1 Infrastructure and Physical Facilities for Teaching-Learning

4.1.2 Facilities for Cultural Activities, Sports, Games, Gymnasium, Yoga

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-1 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-2 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-4 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-5 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-6 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-7 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-8 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-9 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-10 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-11 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-12 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-13 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-14 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-15 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-16 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-17 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-18 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3-19 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.4 Expenditure for Infrastructure Augmentation

4.1.4, 4.2.3 and 4.4.1 Audited Statement of Accounts

4.2.1 Library Automation using ILMS

4.2.2-1 Expenditure for Book Purchase

4.2.2-2 Expenditure for Purchase of Journals

4.2.2-3 Subscription to e-resources

4.2.3 Expenditure for purchase of Books & subscription to Journals

4.2.4 Library Usage by Teachers and Students

4.3.1 Updation of IT Facilities

4.3.2 Number of Computers

4.3.3 Bandwidth of Internet Connection

4.4.1 Expenditure on maintenance of infrastructure

4.4.2 Established Systems and Procedures for Maintaining and Utilizing Facilities

Criterion 5 – Student Support and Progression
5.1.3- Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives

5.3.2 - Student's Participation

5.4.1 - Alumni Contribution

Criterion 6 – Governance , Leadership and Management
6.1.2. Decentralization and Participative Management 2023-24

6.2.1. Strategic Plan Deployment 23-24

6.2.3. E-Governance 23-24

6.3.1 welfare measures

6.3.2 financial support to attend conference/workshop

6.3.3 professional development programmes organized

6.3.4 fdp attended

6.3.5 performace appraisal

Criterion 7 – Institutional Values and Best Practices
7.1.1.Gender Sensitization Activities

7.1.1.Specific Facilities Provided For Women

7.1.2.Alternate Sources & Energy Conservation

7.1.2. Alternate Sources & Energy Conservation GeoTagged Photos

7.1.3.Facilities for Degradable and Non Degradable Waste

7.1.3.Facilities of Degradable and Non-Degradable waste GeoTagged Photos

7.1.4.Water Conservation Facilities

7.1.4.Water Conservation Facilities GeoTagged Photos

7.1.5 Green Initiative

7.1.5.Green campus initiatives GeoTaggedPhotos

7.1.6. Quality Audits Report

7.1.7.Disabled Friendly GeoTagged Photos

7.1.7.DisabledFriendly Policy

7.1.7.DisabledFriendly Software

7.1.8.Initiatives Providing Inculsive Environment

7.1.8.Socio Economic Initiatives

7.1.9.Constitution Obligations

7.1.10.Policy document

7.1.10.Code of Conduct Meeting_Students

7.1.11.National & International Commerative Days

7.2.1.Best Practices -Ecube

7.2.1.Best Practices -Achieve Excellence Program
