Extended Profile

Criterion 1 - Curricular Aspects

1.1.2 Adherence to Academic Calendar

1.2.1 Academic Minutes

1.2.1 Regulation 2017

1.3.2 MOU - Industry - Sample

1.3.2 MOU - with Foreign Organization - Sample

1.3.3 Experiential Learning

1.4.1 Feedback Form Template

1.4.2 Action taken report on Curriculum Feedback

1.4.2 Feedback Analysis

Criterion 2 - Teaching, Learning, And Evaluation

2.1.1 Enrollment Number

2.1.2 Number of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories

2.3.2 ICT Tools

2.6.1 Program and Course Outcomes for all programs

2.6.2 Attainment of PO and COs

2.7.1 Student satisfaction survey

Criterion 3 - Research, Innovation, And Extensions

Funded Projects

3.2.2 Events 2022-2023

3.4. Extension Activities

3.5.1 Industrial Collaboration

Criterion 4 - Infrastructure And Learning Resources

4.1.1 Infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning

4.1.2 Facilities for cultural activities, sports, games, gymnasium, yoga

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.3 ICT-enabled Classrooms and Seminar Halls

4.1.4 and 4.4.1 Audited Statement of Accounts

4.2.1 Library ILMS

4.2.2-1 Expenditure for Book purchase

4.2.2-2 Expenditure on Printed Journals

4.2.2-3 Subscription to e-Resources

4.2.4 Library Usage by teachers and students

4.3.1 Updation of IT facilities

4.3.2 Details of Computers

4.3.3 Bandwidth for Internet Connection

4.4.2 Procedures for maintenance of facilities

Criterion 5 - Student Support And Progression

5.1.3 Skills Enhancement

5.3.2 Students Participation

5.4.1 Alumni Contribution

Criterion 6 - Governance, Leadership, And Management

6.1.2 Decentralization and Participative Management

6.2.1 Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2021

6.2.2 Policy,Procedures and Maintainance

6.2.3 Students Management System

E-Governance in MSEC

6.3.1 Welfare Measures

6.3.4 Average percentage of teachers undergoing Faculty Development Programmes(FDP) during last five years


Criterion 7 - Institutional Values & Best Practices

7.1.1.Gender Sensitisation Action Plan

7.1.1.Specific Facilities Provided for Women

7.1.2 Solar_LED_SENSOR

7.1.2 GeoTag Photos Solar_Sensor_LED

7.1.3.Degradable and Non-Degradable waste

7.1.3GeoTagPhotos Degradable and Non-Degradable waste

7.1.4.Water Conservation Facilities

7.1.4.GeoTag Photos Water Conservation Facilities

7.1.5.Green campus initiatives

7.1.5 GeoTag Green Campus initiatives

7.1.6 Report On Audits

7.1.7.DisabledFriendly BarrierFree Environment Policy Doc

7.1.7.Disabledfriendly BarrierFree Environment Facility

7.1.7.Disabled friendly Barrierfree Environment Assistivesoftware

7.1.8 Institutional initiatives in providing inclusive environment

7.1.8 SIP document

7.1.9.Sensitization of students and employee

7.1.9 Professional Ethics

7.1.9 Professional ethics in Curriculum


7.1.10.Monitoring Committee


7.1.11.National and International Commemorative days,events and festivals

7.2.1 Best Practices AEP

7.2.2 Best Practices Ecube

7.3.Institutional Distinctiveness