
Quarter 3

Sl.No Activity Mandatory/Elective Thrust Area
1 IIC Council Meeting-Review of Q2 progress and Planning of Q3 Mandatory Prototype,Design,Process Development for Business Model/Process/Services
2 Field/Exposure Visit to Incubation Unit/Patent Facilitation Centre/Techonolgy Transfer Center/Co-working spaces Elective
3 Workshop on Prototype/Process Design and Development-Prototyping Elective
4 Session/Workshop on Business Model Canvas(BMC) Elective
5 Business Plan/Prototype Competition to Invite Innovative Business Models from Students Elective
6 Session on "How to plan for Start-up and legal & Ethical steps" Elective
7 Interactive Session/Mentoring Session with "Sucessful Start-up founders"(Entrepreneurs in Campus) Elective
8 Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights(IPRs) and IP management for start-up Elective
9 Mentorship Session for Innovators(or) Student Entrepreneurs through experts and(or) Innovation Ambassadors/Innovation Agent Elective
10 Orientation session for all students& faculties of Institute by Innovation Ambassador(s) Mandatory